400 children take over the town of Ennis for national cycle to school day

It’s back to school time again! I would encourage all parents to look at how they get their children to school and see if it’s possible to start a good habit at the beginning of the school year around active travel to school. Can you park ‘n stride with your child? Walk all the way or cycle? Maybe car pool?

School traffic is a big deal these days. If you use your car less on the school run you reduce risks at school gates, you reduce air pollution, you increase the health, awareness and alertness of your child before they’ve even got to their desk. Most importantly children are designed to be physically active and they love movement. It makes it easier for them to sit still in class once they get there and it makes them happier to be given a chance to move first thing in the morning.

So why now make a new school year resolution and get your children, and you, to school in a healthier greener way this school year. You’ll also be helping your school with its Green-Schools Programme and helping it maintain it’s Green Flag.

Catherine Russell has been working with schools in Cork helping them with their 4th green flag the Sustainable travel flag. She works for An Taisce’s Green-Schools Programme on Sustainable Travel.